If you have one or more missing teeth, you have most likely looked into the possible tooth replacement options. You may have discovered that dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth loss solutions. By replicating natural pearly whites from root to crown, implant patients have a fully functioning and beautiful smile restored to them! However, not everyone is a good candidate right away and may need some preliminary procedures to prepare their mouth for them. Here are three of the most common preliminary procedures patients may need before completing their grins with dental implants.
#1. Tooth Extraction
While it may not seem the correct road to take, sometimes a patient may need one or more tooth extraction to be ready for dental implants. If a tooth is severely infected or damaged, it will have to be removed for optimal oral health. In the case of needing multiple teeth removed, it is a possibility that there needs to be more room made in the mouth for the restoration of the dental implants. In simple cases, the extractions can just be completed with a forcep. More complex issues will most likely need surgical removal. Since every person’s smile is different, your dentist will inform you of the best route to take to prepare your mouth for dental implants.
#2. Dental Bone Grafting
Dental implants’ stability and longevity can be attributed to how the implant naturally integrates with the jawbone over time. This is a process called osseointegration. Since the success of implants rests on the strength of the jaw, it is important there is enough bone density in the jawbone. If not, the implant will loosen and fail. However, if the jawbone isn’t strong enough for a dental implant, all is not lost! A bone grafting procedure can be done to strengthen it. By building the bone back up to sufficient density, your mouth will be ready for a new smile with dental implants!
#3. Sinus Lifts
Similar to dental bone grafting, a sinus lift can be needed to increase the bone structure between the jawbone and the sinus cavity. When dental implants need to replace a molar or premolar in the upper part of the mouth, the area needs to not only be strong enough but there needs to be enough room for the implant. If there is not enough bone density in the upper jaw or not sufficient height between the jawbone and sinus cavity, a sinus lift will be necessary.
If you have a gapped smile, dental implants may be the best solution for you to complete it! By visiting your dentist for a consultation, they can assist you on the journey toward a complete set of teeth, even if that includes a preliminary procedure.
About the Practice
BPS Periodontics helps to keep the smiles of Simsbury and Farmington whole, healthy, and beautiful. Their two board-certified periodontists are dedicated to helping you achieve your best oral health and teeth possible through their range of high-quality services. By using advanced dental technology and customized plans, they can help complete your smile with dental implants. To schedule a consultation, contact them through their website or call (860) 658-5552.