Am I Eligible to Receive Sedation Dentistry?

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bpsperio @ 6:15 pm
a patient receiving sedation dentistry

If you’d rather be any place in the entire world than seated in a dentist’s chair, you aren’t alone – dental phobia is a very real thing, and it’s estimated that roughly 36% of the US population suffers from this common condition. However, it’s easily combatted with the help of sedation dentistry! These services exist to make dental care smoother and more streamlined for all parties involved. That said, sedation dentistry might not be for every patient. Here’s what you need to know.

What Will Disqualify Me from Receiving Sedation Dentistry?

Here are a few of the things that may cause you to be ineligible for receiving sedation dentistry:

  • Allergies – In oral and IV sedation, benzodiazepines are the most common medication used, as well as other similar ones. Patients with allergies to these medications cannot safely receive sedation.
  • Age – Dental sedation is safe for children, but it must be done carefully and only if there’s a true need for it. Likewise, patients of extremely advanced age may not be able to handle certain forms of sedation either.
  • Pregnancy – Dental sedation isn’t recommended for pregnant women at nearly every stage.
  • Chronic illness – Chronic bronchitis or respiratory disease, as well as other conditions that affect breathing, can cause complications since some forms of sedation slow a patient’s breathing.
  • Other medications – Not every medication can be mixed with sedation. It’s extremely important that you tell your dentist about every medication that you take, including prescribed medicines, over-the-counter medicines, and vitamins and supplements.
  • Sleep apnea – Although IV sedation is rare, it’s not recommended for patients with sleep apnea.

What are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?

For those who qualify, sedation dentistry offers many awesome benefits. For one, it’s fast-acting and completely safe to administer, and a patient’s vitals are always monitored while they’re sedated. Better yet, some sedation options such as nitrous oxide don’t come with any lasting effects, meaning patients can normally resume their days following treatments. Of course, the most lucrative benefit of sedation is that it makes dental treatment easier for anxious patients since they’re peacefully compliant and unworried about potential pain or discomfort.

When you’re planning your next procedure with your dentist, be sure to ask about sedation dentistry if you think it might be able to help you. That said, these reasons listed above might exclude you from being eligible, and at the end of the day, making an informed decision about your health is what’s most important!

About the Practice

Our team here at BPS Periodontics has proudly served patients and families from our Simsbury and Farmington locations for several years, offering a wide range of periodontal services aimed at improving oral and overall wellness. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with us to set up a visit for you or a loved one, feel free to visit us online or call us today for assistance!

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