Dentist – Simsbury & Farmington, CT

Get to Know Dr. Ryan Johnson

Dr. Ryan Johnson is one of our newest dental professionals to join our team, and we’re more than happy to introduce his wealth of expertise to our practice. He first connected with us in 2023 and integrated into our office effortlessly, especially due to his passion and commitment to providing patients with exceptional care. Dr. Johnson’s dedication to periodontology, patient satisfaction, and personalized treatments are abundantly clear. He also emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration to offer high-quality care, and we’re ecstatic for you to meet him.

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Originating from The Sunshine State, Dr. Johnson is now a resident of Simsbury. He started his education by attending Florida State University for his undergraduate degree before going on to study at Boston University for his Master’s Degree in Medical Science and subsequently his Dental Doctorate. Dr. Johnson also underwent specialty training in periodontics and implant dentistry. Today, he specializes in some of the most current soft tissue grafting techniques while also introducing new diagnostic technology to our dental office.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Outside of the dental practice, Dr. Johnson can be found at home enjoying a good science-fiction novel, exploring new restaurants with his wife, cooking up new recipes, and dog-sitting for friends and loved ones.